
Contact US
Complete this form ONLY to comment on this Rob Roy website.

***NOTE: For ALL other questions or concerns, INCLUDING MAINTENANCE ISSUES, please read the information below this form to contact Foster Premier Inc., our management company.
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Q: How can I reach Foster Premier Inc. by phone?
A: If you need immediate assistance during hours that Foster Premier staffs the Rob Roy Clubhouse office,  please call the Clubhouse office at (224) 481-4310 to speak to a Foster Premier staff member. Clubhouse hours are below.  
You can also reach Foster Premier's local office in Buffalo Grove at (847) 459-1222.
Foster Premier's Buffalo Grove office hours are 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday.
Q: When does Foster Premier have staff in the Rob Roy Clubhouse Office?
A: The Rob Roy Clubhouse office is open and staffed:
      Monday-Friday.:  8:30 AM to 2:30 PM
      Telephone:  (224) 481-4310
Q: What is the fax number?
A: The fax number at Foster Premier's Buffalo Grove's office is (847) 459-1240
Q: How do I reach Foster Premier by Email?
A: Inquiries can be sent to robroyadmin@fosterpremier.com
Q: What is Foster Premier's address?
A: The Foster Premier local office address is 750 W. Lake Cook Road, Suite 190, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
Q: I have a maintenance emergency, who do I call?
A: Foster Premier provides a 24/7 emergency call system and guarantees the close proximity of all building managers. In the event of an emergency (fire, flood, sewer back-up) on weekends or after regular business hours, please call (630) 462-3144 and their emergency service will assist you. Calls regarding payments, violations, work orders or other matters should wait until the next business day.
Q: I have a general maintenance issue, who do I call?
A: If you have a maintenance request that is not an emergency, please put the request in writing to Foster Premier Inc. They will respond to every request whether a work order is issued, or you are added to a list, or it is brought to the Board of Directors for their determination. All requests should be put in writing to generate a paper trail. Homeowner Request forms are available at the clubhouse. You can complete the form and drop it off at the clubhouse or mail it. You can also email your request, fax it or complete a Service Request online.
To complete an online Service Request, click on the "Resident Portal" button on the top left of this screen, log in to the Resident Portal, highlight the "My Profile" button at the top left of the screen and left click on "Work Order Request".